Why’d the Chicken Cross the Road?
Example of a proper chicken coop
February 21, 2023
After years of people requesting, and many taking to Facebook about it, the village of Palestine has officially passed an ordinance to allow residents to raise chickens within town limits. There is a $200 deposit fee and a $50 application fee required. Before you go and purchase a full flock, here are the village requirements:
- Limit of 8 chickens per property.
- Coops must be constructed to be impenetrable by predators, and sanitary conditions (must provide minimum of 4 square feet per chicken).
- Chickens are to be concealed from street view.
- Coops/Runs are to be located in rear yard of property and at least 30 ft. from any neighboring residential structure.
- Odor or any substance related to chicken shall not be permitted to be perceptible.
- Chickens shall be kept inside their coop after dusk.
- Chickens shall be provided with access to feed and clean water at all times.
- Roosters are prohibited from being kept or raised within the village limits of Palestine, Illinois.
- No person shall allow chickens to produce noise loud enough to disturb the peace of neighborhood.
- No person shall slaughter any chickens in village limits.
- PPD has the authority to enter upon property of any permit holder to determine compliance with the ordinance.