OPH Boys Basketball

October 26, 2022
‘Tis the season to get pumped up for our OPH basketball teams. Boys basketball is kicking off their season by having open gyms right now. We have heard from some of the players that open gyms are going great right now. Although they only have an attendance of about 6-8 people per open gym, official season practices don’t start until November 7th, when they hope to have closer to 20 players altogether. This doesn’t quite compare to last year’s roster number but we still have high hopes for our boys.
Open gyms are every Tuesday and Thursday from 4:30 to 6:00 pm at the moment. Tuesday open gyms are usually in Hutsonville and Thursdays are in Oblong. Many of the boys think they will exceed their expectations even after last year’s season. Last year’s season was not the best that the boys thought they could do, but the games that were won were celebrated immensely.
Many of the players thought that last year’s season was a “winning season” although the varsity record was only 7-22, and this is because it was the first year boys basketball was OPH, and the majority of these boys grew up playing against each other rather than for each other. So last year was a year to work out kinks and figure out what works for OPH basketball and what doesn’t. This is why the boys have such high hopes; they think they have gotten all of the kinks worked out and they can finally work together as a team to defeat all competition.