Elliott Meadows, editor

Palestine’s annual See You at the Pole was held Wednesday September, 28th at 7:30 It was held at PHS out front at the flagpole. See you at the pole is a prayer circle for anyone interested in going. See you at the Pole was first started on September, 12th 1990. Around 45,000 people in only four different states attended the very first one. 

It would be great if there were a lot of people that showed up. I am sure the people who put it together are hoping there will be. Michelle and Scott Mendenhall are the ones who help put it together. They are also the FCA leaders. They hold FCA every Wednesday night at their house at 6 p.m. They would love to have lots of people to See you at the Pole and FCA. They had around 10 people there at the prayer.