Dressing to impress is important in how you feel and how you perform.
Dressing to Impress
February 11, 2022
Does dressing to impress effect your success? Georges St-Pierre said, “If you look good, you feel good, and if you feel good, you do good.” Some people may agree, and some people may disagree. I personally agree with this saying. I always feel so much better when I’m dressed up and looking nice. A put together outfit is always my personal preference over leggings and a hoodie. If you’re dressed in lounge attire, you’re going to want to be lazy. I feel as if it’s always better to over-dress than under! The quote basically explains itself. “If you look good, you feel good, and if you feel good, you do good.” This is a good quote to keep in mind in general, but for interviews too. It’s such a confidence boost when you know you look good. You just overall perform better!
Let me know what you think. Do you feel as if dressing to impress effects your success and how you perform and feel?