Jeremiah is a new student at our high school; he came here from Red Hill as a freshman and will hopefully finish out his high school years here. Jeremiah says he likes both schools equally, and it’s pretty much the same except there’s more classes and his friends are at Red Hill. He also said that the teachers here are nicer and more laid back.
Red Hill is where Jeremiah met Mrs. Yager, who is our biology teacher here at our high school. He says Mrs. Yager is his favorite teacher because he’s most familiar with her, plus his favorite class is Biology. As of right now Jeremiah wants to go to college to be a lawyer, or he wants to go into professional boxing.
Jeremiah’s hobbies include playing video games, and he used to walk a lot in his free time at Red Hill. Jeremiah has one dog but his dream pet is an unspecified type of parrot.
We asked Jeremiah to describe himself the best he could just to give a little insight to let people know how he is as a person. He described himself as nonchalant, quiet, and short.
Jeremiah’s favorite holiday is Christmas and his favorite season is winter. Anddddd his favorite cheese is Parmesian.